Wednesday 20 November 2013

Just Another Love Story...

Hello~ It's been a long time, huh? I was occupied with college life that is truly hectic. Which is also the reason I wanted to write out this particular post. You see, my group was given a task to perform a drama-play based on the concept of 'Fairy-tale'. And I do love to write stories, so I mixed in the ideas given by my group-mates and formed a script! Bits of Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Phantom of the Opera, all in one story. Hence, I present you the result of the written script... 

(Pictures and GIFs are NOT mine, they're used for visualization)









There was a story told by one, but spread to many. It was a wonderful tale of how a Prince that was bounded by a retched curse, found his true love with a maiden that lived in a mysterious chateau.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ACT 1 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 

The Prince was named Leonardo Di’Caprio, a young handsome noble man whom had just lost his parents to a horrible assassination. He was the only one whom had survived. And he had no choice but to carry the burden of the throne, alone.

One night, he had been so overwhelmed with his duties to the kingdom. He was feeling very much stressed and was not in his best mood. But on the same night, it rained heavily, came an old hag dressed rather poorly, as she was but a beggar. His butler had told the PRINCE of the woman that kept knocking on the main entrance door even after the butler told her to go home.

OLD HAG:         Your Highness, oh my most noble Lord! Please… I seek for your shelter, for I am so cold in this awful rain.

PRINCE:             Do you not have a place to return to?

OLD HAG:          My home… Oh but it is still so far away from here, Your Highness! For an old woman like me, in this terrible weather, I’m afraid I may not be able to reach back home safely.

PRINCE:             And what would I gain in return for this favor of yours?

OLD HAG:          I offer you, Your Highness, this beautiful blooming rose for some warmth and shelter.

PRINCE:             My hands are full. So, it is either you find your way back home yourself or search somewhere else… suitable for your standard. (He sneers at her worn down appearance)

OLD HAG:          You must not be deceived by one’s appearance, young Lord. For beauty is found deep within. Have mercy and please accept my humble gift for you.

PRINCE:              (Sighs) Look, I do not have the time for such petty matter as yours. I suggest you go back to where you came from.

OLD HAG:           Oh please, my Lord! Have mercy on this poor old lady! (She grips the PRINCE’s arm, pleading.)

PRINCE:              Stay away from me, you old haggard! Disappear from my sight right this instant! (He yank his arm away in disgust, and the woman fall to the ground.)


(The old woman transforms into a beautiful enchantress)

PRINCE:                  Y-You are…

ENCHANTRESS: Yes, it is I, the Enchantress of the Forest.

PRINCE:                  But, why did you appeared as—

ENCHANTRESS: An old haggard? It is because I wanted to see the true heart of the PRINCE, the last heir to the throne. The test was meant for you, my Lord.


ENCHANTRESS: You, who hold neither the compassion nor sympathy for others. You, who see no love nor show any kindness towards other’s misfortune, should never be the one to rule this kingdom!

PRINCE:             No, no! Please, I have no idea you were the ENCHANTRESS! What I saw earlier was an old woman whom I thought was just an ordinary beggar

ENCHANTRESS: If appearance is what you judge by the most, then that is what your punishment shall be.

(Black force surrounds and changes PRINCE into a hideous beast)  

ENCHANTRESS: I cast upon you the most powerful spell that can only and only be broken when you are able to love another, and be loved by the other in return.

(The ENCHANTRESS give the rose from before to the PRINCE.)

ENCHANTRESS : Be warned that if the last petal of this enchanted rose fall before you learn the meaning of love, you shall no longer be known as the PRINCE. Instead, you shall remain and be remembered as the BEAST… for eternity.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ACT 2 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

In a secluded chataeu, not far off from the town, lived a beautiful girl named SNOWBELLE. She was living with another family, a mother and her two daughters. The mother said she was abandoned by her own birth mother and left her at her doorstep. The mother kept reminded her of how she should be grateful to her for taking her in to live with her family, despite the listless chores given to the poor girl, that is.

It was true, she was glad to be able to live her life. It was not that bad doing the chores since she was used to it already. Besides, whenever she is free, she loves to read books and learn about the world. She loves to go out to the town whenever there were festivals, there were always the crowd that would dance as well as sing. Oh, how she loves to join them!

But still, everyone has a wish. And hers was…

(SNOWBELLE enters the familiar bookshop in the small town)

BOOKSELLER:   Ah, Snowbelle!

SNOWBELLE:    Good morning.  I've come to return the book I borrowed.

BOOKSELLER:  (Putting the book back on the shelf) Finished already?

SNOWBELLE:   Oh, I couldn't put it down!  Have you got anything new?

BOOKSELLER:  (Laughing) Not since yesterday!

SNOWBELLE:   (Looking at the books) That's alright.  I'll borrow... this one.  

BOOKSELLER: That one?  But you've read it twice!

SNOWBELLE:  Well, it's my favourite! Far-off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!

BOOKSELLER:  My, my, that sounds dangerous, don’t you think?

SNOWBELLE:   I would call it an adventure! It would be a dream come true, to be able to go outside and experience something more than this provincial life, won’t it be exciting?

BOOKSELLER:  I’m sure it will be, although I think I might be too old for those. (Chuckles)

SNOWBELLE:   Oh. (Chuckles)

BOOKSELLER:  That reminds me, the PRINCE has decided to hold a masquerade ball next week. I don’t know if that will be much of an adventure for you, but you should give it a try!

SNOWBELLE:   Really?! Oh, but how can I get inside? I don’t think I’m even allowed to get an invitation.

BOOKSELLER:  Then best have this with you. (Hands her the invitation card)

SNOWBELLE:    But sir!

BOOKSELLER:  I insist! It is better for someone your age to attend than an old man like me. (Winks)

SNOWBELLE:    Well thank you... thank you very much! (Leaves the bookstore)

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ACT 3 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

The PRINCE who is now in the form of a BEAST, had decided that he could never be able to reign the Throne properly with such curse being engraved on him. Which was why he resolved to hold a masquerade ball. That way, while his guests wear their own mask, he could wear one of his own without inducing suspicions. The BEAST would ultimately have a bigger chance of meeting the person to break his spell.

(People dance as the PRINCE enters with his butler.)

BUTLER:               Sire, is there anyone that might interest you at the moment?

BEAST:                  No. How can I find her? I cannot even see their faces!

BUTLER:               But the Enchantress did say–

BEAST:                  Do not judge just based on their appearances. I know, Sebastian.

BUTLER:               Pardon my manners, Sire.

BEAST:                  I need some air. Stay here and entertain the guests for me.

BUTLER:               Of course, Sire.

(The BEAST walks towards the balcony and hears someone singing)

BEAST:                  What a beautiful voice! (Looks around)

(He sees a maiden dressed beautifully with a mask on, singing freely at the balcony by herself)

(The BEAST joins in, singing some of the lines with her)

SNOWBELLE:      (Surprised) Oh, my! You startled me, there.

BEAST:                  Forgive me. But your voice sounded so beautiful.

SNOWBELLE:      (Blush) Why, thank you…

BEAST:                  If I may, would you like to dance with me?

SNOWBELLE:      I would love to.

(They dance in the hall along with the other guests)

BEAST:                  Are you not afraid of me?

SNOWBELLE:      Should I be?

BEAST:                  No… It’s just that, most people are afraid of me because of the mask I’m always wearing.

SNOWBELLE:      Really? But I think you look just fine, and a gentleman too.

BEAST:                  You think so?

SNOWBELLE:      I know so.

(The sound of the clock starts to chime aloud)

SNOWBELLE:      Oh no, is it that time already? Oh no, no!

BEAST:                  What is it?

SNOWBELLE:      It will be past midnight soon! I must hurry back home.

BEAST:                  Then please let me assist someone to send you home safely

SNOWBELLE:      There is no need, really, my home is nearby.

BEAST:                  But—

SNOWBELLE:      Thank you for the dance. (Smiles)

(SNOWBELLE leaves the ballroom)

BEAST:                  But I have yet to know your name…

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ACT 4 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

The beastly PRINCE had released a search then. The search was meant for the maiden that has the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He was sure that he had found the one that would break the spell. The BEAST knows it because he had already fallen in love with her. And the only thing left is for him to confess, and hope that the maiden would return his feelings.

The PRINCE remembered the maiden had said that her home was nearby. He assumed that she would be somewhere in the town near his castle.

BUTLER:               Sire, we found a man who may know of the maiden.

BEAST:                  Lead the way, Sebastian.

BUTLER:               Right this way, Sire.

(Walks into the bookstore)

BOOKSELLER:     Your Highness. (Bows)

BEAST:                  Is it true that you know of the maiden I’m seeking for?

BOOKSELLER:     Ah, a maiden that sings like an angel? I don’t know if it is really she, the one you’re looking for…

BEAST:                  I’ll know when I hear her sing. Where is she?

BOOKSELLER:     All I know is that she lived in the chateau. To get there you must first go through the forest.

BEAST:                  The forest?

BOOKSELLER:     Yes, but it is dangerous to go there during the night. Especially when you don’t know the way to get there.

BEAST:                  It does not matter. I must find her!

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ACT 5 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Through the forest, they went. The PRINCE in a beast’s form with his guards walked fast but cautious on the dark paths of the forest. They encountered upon ghosts, and even haunted trees. Soon they realized that the ghosts were there only to scare them away. They toss away their fear and moved on.

When they finally found a way out, they discovered a mysterious chateau. The BEAST stepped forward and knocked on the door. They were immediately greeted by an older woman dressed rather formally.

STEP-MOTHER: What a pleasant surprise, Your Highness! (Bows)

BEAST:                  Do you happen to know the maiden I’m searching for? The one who possesses such beautiful voice?

STEP-MOTHER: I have two daughters. Would you like to hear them sing?

BEAST:                  (Nods) I might as well take my chances.

STEP-MOTHER: Drizella! Anastasia! Come down, girls! (She shouted from the stairs)

STEP-SISTERS:  Yes, Mother.

STEP-MOTHER: The PRINCE wants to hear you sing now, dearest.

STEP-SISTER 1:   But Mother, I only know how to dance…

STEP-MOTHER: (Whispers) Just sing. Anastasia, accompany your sister with your flute.

STEP-SISTER 1:   (Sings off-pitch)

STEP-SISTER 2:  (Laughs uncontrollably)

BUTLER:              That was... a pleasant surprise?

STEP-SISTER 1:  It's because she played the tune too high!

STEP-SISTER 2:  Did not.

STEP-SISTER 1:  Did too!

STEP-MOTHER:  Stop it, you two. Behave yourselves!

STEP-SISTERS:   Yes, Mother...

BEAST:                  (Sighs)

STEP-MOTHER: (Coughs) Anyway, my Anastasia here loves to sing. Isn’t that right dear?

STEP-SISTER 2:   Yes, of course! (Sings using soprano voice)

(Silence and only the sound of crickets resounds)

BEAST:                  I don’t think they are the one I’m looking for, Madame.

BUTLER:               They are certainly unique, though.

BEAST:                  Sebastian!

BUTLER:               Sorry, Sire.

BEAST:                  Are there any other maiden in this mansion?

STEP-MOTHER: No, there isn’t any—


BEAST:                  What was that?

STEP-SISTER 1:   It’s just something that fell down.

BUTLER:               Shouldn't you check them first?

STEP-SISTER 2:   Oh no, no. They were probably just rats running around. (Laughs awkwardly)


BUTLER:               Are you sure that wasn't someone knocking on the door?

BEAST:                  That is the sound of someone banging on the door! Is there someone else with you?

STEP-MOTHER: Yes, but she is just a maid. No one important.

BEAST:                  Is that so?


BUTLER:               Sire, shall we take our leave?

BEAST:                  I suppose.

(About to walk out of the mansion, before they hear someone sings)

BEAST:                  That voice!

(He walks back, face-to-face with the STEP-MOTHER)

BEAST:                  That voice belongs to your maid?

STEP-MOTHER: I suppose.

(BEAST goes to where the voice came from)

BEAST:                  Where is the key?

(STEP-MOTHER reluctantly unlocks the door, revealing the maiden with the beautiful voice)

SNOWBELLE:      You have found me.

BEAST:                  It seems so.

SNOWBELLE:      It is so.

STEP-MOTHER: What is the meaning of this, Snowbelle?

BEAST:   (Shields SNOWBELLE) Why did you lock her inside the room?


BUTLER:               It seems you have some questioning to do, Madame.

(The BUTLER leads the STEP-MOTHER outside)

BEAST:                  (Turns around) Snowbelle… Is that your name?

SNOWBELLE:      Yes, it is.

BEAST:                  What a beautiful name, Snowbelle.

SNOWBELLE:       (Chuckles) Why, thank you.

BEAST:                  I have something to confess to you, may I?

SNOWBELLE:      After you.

BEAST:                  Snowbelle, I... have fallen in love with you, truly.

SNOWBELLE:      (Surprise)

BEAST:                  And you…?

SNOWBELLE:      I... The moment we first dance, I too had fallen in love with you.

BEAST:                  You would love a Beast?

SNOWBELLE:       You're nothing like a Beast. (Smiles)

(Something swirls around the BEAST, and he was transformed from being a beast, back to being the handsome PRINCE he had been before)

PRINCE:                You have lifted my curse, Snowbelle!


PRINCE:               Yes, Snowbelle. I'm human once again.


And the two soon married. At the wedding ceremony, the man who worked at the bookstore helped Snowbelle to deliver some speeches about her. Everyone was in merry spirit during the ceremony. Unexpectedly, her step-family was also there at her wedding. Snowbelle, who has a kind heart, forgave all the wrong-doings they had done in the past.

The kingdom was brought back to harmony with the ties of those two match-made from heaven by the curse of an enchanted rose. And such is the ending of any other fairy-tale love story, they lived happily ever after.

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