Sunday, 24 November 2024


~ Mom's Journal ~

There were times when we waited eagerly for the postman. We could hear his motorcycle going from house to house and then the feeling of excitement when he actually stopped in front of our house. On many days the postman is the bearer of good news. He would deliver letters, parcels, documents and even birthday cards.

Of late, celebrating a birthday is often a moment of reflection of the years went by. At times, we receive a birthday card with birthday wishes or words that seem so close to our hearts. I have one. My sister, Azian, sent me this card. It has a beautiful ending. “May the moon tuck you in with a smile on your face.”

Dearest Yan,
I feel so blessed to have you as my sister.💖
As a doctor, we often seek your advice on health issues. We confide in you because we know you care and your advice is valuable. With your kindness and generosity, you must have experienced a lot of the joys of giving and receiving gratitude in return.
May Allah SWT reward you abundantly, dear sister.

When my children were small, we used to buy them birthday cards.

When they grew up and in their school days, they bought me a small poster with such lovely words of appreciation. Without a doubt, mothers are always there to help their children no matter what life brings.

Dearest children,
You are all very special in our lives too. I pray for your happiness, health and success in all your endeavors. May Allah SWT always keep all of you in His protection and care and fulfill all your wishes.

May we all have a good ending.

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“Allahumma inni as'aluka husnal khatimah" 


Wednesday, 30 October 2024


  ~ Mom's Journal ~

Dearest Nora,

Words are insufficient to describe the sadness and grief of the tragedy that happened at Pantai Batu Buruk, Terengganu. On that fateful morning, when you called me, I could sense by the tone of your voice that something was amiss. You greeted me with the usual “Assalamualaikum, mak,” and proceeded to ask our whereabouts. And then you said “Mak, Ajoi hilang.” I was speechless, I didn’t know what happened but I knew you all went for a holiday and stayed at a resort near the beach. You informed me of what happened and about the Search and Rescue mission. My immediate thought was to be with you and the children.

When we arrived in the evening, we could see the Search and Rescue team at the beach. The first difficult decision was, when is the right time to break the news to the children and how do we prepare them for such a sad, painful and tragic news.

It was obvious, there was no “right time”. As Ain and Sofea sat on the left and right of you, and as you held them closely, you said, “Daddy met with an accident,” and with that life-changing news, tears just flow on Ain and Sofea’s cheeks. We wept with them. At that moment, there were no words that could console or ease their pain and heartbreak of losing daddy. They are going to miss their daddy more than words can express. You hugged them tightly and closely, and the tears kept falling..

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun.


Zulkarnain bin Mohamed Zubir

Lahir: 25 May 1980

Kembali ke Rahmatullah pada: 19 February 2024

Doa untuk arwah:

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiun. Semoga Allah ampunkan segala dosa arwah, menerima segala amalan beliau dan mengangkat darjatnya di sisi Allah. Semoga pemergian beliau menjadi kerehatan sebenar dari urusan dunia, dilindungi dari seksa kubur dan semoga roh arwah ditempatkan dikalangan para solihin. Aamiin.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Jalan-jalan di Kuala Lipis

 ~ Mom's Journal ~

Hampir 50 tahun kami meninggalkan bandar kecil Kuala Lipis. Sewaktu kami membesar pada tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an, bandar ini belum cukup besar untuk memerlukan lampu isyarat di jalan. Kenderaan tidak banyak pada masa itu.

Masa itu di Bandar Lama Lipis terdapat deretan kedai, pasar besar, pejabat pos, stesen keretapi, stesen bas dan teksi dan sebuah pawagam. Di hujung jalan selepas deretan kedai itu terdapat sebuah Balai Polis dan Balai Bomba (kedua-dua balai tersebut kini telah dipindahkan ke lokasi yang baharu). Terdapat juga sebuah Masjid lama yang dibina ditebing Sungai Jelai pada tahun 1888. Jika kita memandang keatas pada deretan kedai-kedai Bandar Lama Lipis, akan kelihatan tarikh bangunan tersebut dibina iaitu 1920-an. Selepas tahun 2000, apabila kami pulang dan melihat tempat kami dilahirkan, landskap sudah berubah, dan ia sudah semestinya.

Baru-baru ini kami pulang ke Kuala Lipis melalui Central Spine Road. Ini bermakna kami tidak lagi berpeluang untuk berhenti di bandar-bandar seperti Bentong, Raub dan Benta. Kalau dahulunya, kami akan berhenti di Bentong untuk berehat dan mengopi. Ada kalanya kami berhenti di Rumah Rehat Raub untuk mengeteh sambil melihat gambar-gambar lama yang tergantung di dindingnya. Di Benta pula, kalau melalui Jambatan Benta, kita akan dapat melihat air sungai yang deras dan dalam.

Gambar-gambar berikut mungkin kurang jelas kerana diambil dari dalam kereta untuk melihat sekilas pandang. Ada juga diambil sewaktu kami turun dari kereta untuk melihat dan cuba mengingati kawasan persekitaran yang wujud ketika kami masih kecil.

Perjalanan bermula.

 Dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kuala Lipis melalui Central Spine Road.

Menghampiri bandar Benta, tetapi tidak memasuki bandar Benta. Sebaliknya kami terus ke bulatan di hadapan yang menunjukkan arah ke Kuala Lipis.

 20km lagi untuk sampai ke Kuala Lipis.

Akhirnya tiba di Kuala Lipis, kelihatan Balai Bomba Lipis.

Seterusnya menuju ke bandar Lipis. Agak terkejut kerana pandangan kini tidak terarah ke bangunan di atas bukit sahaja, tetapi juga kepada papan iklan Dataran Sejarah Kuala Lipis yang dipasang di kaki bukit. Bangunan Pentadbiran Daerah Lipis atau 'Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Lipis' yang dibina pada tahun 1919 itu dahulunya jelas kelihatan dari jauh lagi, seolah-olah ianya adalah mercu tanda apabila memasuki bandar Lipis.

Jika kita melihat kepada kereta putih yang menghala ke jalan naik ke Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Lipis yang lama itu, di sebelah jalan tersebut ialah jalan ke Clifford School. Dahulunya terdapat sebuah kedai kecil di tepi jalan tersebut. Kami panggil kedai itu “Kedai Dekat”, kini kedai itu sudah tiada.

Kami berhenti dan parkirkan kereta di sini. Pada tahun 1960-an ini adalah Pejabat Majlis Bandaran, kini bertukar menjadi Food Court De Residen.

Di sebelah Food Court terdapat tangga untuk naik ke Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Lipis yang lama, nampaknya dalam proses pembaikpulihan.

Kami meneruskan perjalanan dan berhenti di lampu isyarat menuju ke Bandar Lama Lipis dan Bandar Baru Lipis, kelihatan bangunan kedai di bina di lokasi yang dahulunya adalah Paradise Theatre.

Di lampu isyarat, kami belok ke kanan menuju ke Hospital Kuala Lipis.

 Hospital Kuala Lipis

Selepas melalui Hospital Kuala Lipis, akan sampai ke Pahang Club.

 Parkir kereta di hadapan Pahang Club.  Pahang Club dibina pada tahun 1907.

Keadaan Pahang Club kini sudah tidak kukuh. Pelancong tidak lagi dibenarkan untuk masuk ke dalam Club. Oleh itu kami berjalan-jalan mengambil gambar tumbuhan di sekelilingnya.

Disisir keluar jalan kelihatan Clifford School.

Seterusnya kami keluar ke jalan menghala ke Masjid Sultan Mahmud Kuala Lipis, kemudian melalui kawasan perumahan di Sungai Kerpan, hinggalah tiba ke Sekolah Kebangsaan Wan Ibrahim.

Masjid Sultan Mahmud Kuala Lipis

Anak sulung saya kata dia masih ingat, semasa dia masih kecil dia ikut pergi ke masjid ini untuk Solat Hari Raya. Tetapi yang paling dia ingat ialah dia termuntah semasa bersolat sebab terlebih makan pada pagi Hari Raya tersebut.

Ini adalah bangunan tambahan Sekolah Kebangsaan Wan Ibrahim bagi menampung pertambahan pelajar. Bangunan sekolah yang asal dan masih digunakan terletak di atas bukit.

Kemudian kami melalui Jalan Tok Kaya Sentul, dahulunya Worthington Road (1960-an), kelihatan Kuarters Kakitangan Kerajaan yang masih elok terpelihara dan didiami.

Dari Jalan Tok Kaya Sentul kami pusing balik menuju ke Bandar Lipis.

Ibu Pejabat Polis (Foto dari Facebook Balai Polis Lipis).

Seingat saya lokasi yang di bina Ibu Pejabat Polis ini dahulunya adalah tanah lapang dan di kawasan ini juga ada stor JKR, Christian cemetery dan di seberang jalannya pula kawasan rumah Tun Ghazali Shafie.

Kini, di seberang jalan Ibu Pejabat Polis sudah terdapat Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen (PPBR), tempat yang tidak pernah kami lawati sebelum ini.

Selain dari jalan masuk bertentangan dengan Ibu Pejabat Polis, kita boleh juga pergi ke Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen melalui jalan yang terletak dihadapan Food Court De Residen. Pada tahun 1960-an, jika memandu dan ikut jalan ke kiri, kita akan naik ke kawasan perumahan Bukit Residen, ke kanan pula ialah jalan menuju ke Rest House Bukit Residen.

Memandu melalui jalan yang berliku untuk sampai ke Rest House Bukit Residen.

Rest House juga memerlukan pembaikpulihan. Jika ingin melihat gambar Rest House yang berada dalam keadaan baik, bolehlah membuat carian di internet.

Di laman Rest House terdapat maklumat berkaitan dengan sejarah Rest House.

Kelihatan Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen ketika memandu turun dari Rest House.

Pemandangan dari Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen, kelihatan Rest House Bukit Residen di atas bukit.

Setelah habis pusing-pusing Kuala Lipis maka tibalah masa untuk balik ke Kuala Lumpur.

Sebenarnya dalam perjalanan yang singkat itu, ada juga rasa terkilan kerana tidak langsung kelihatan kawasan perumahan kakitangan kerajaan di Bukit Residen; iaitu rumah yang kami diami semasa kecil dahulu.

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dapat juga melihat perubahan yang berlaku kepada kawasan rumah yang pernah kami diami. Terima kasih kepada Google Maps kerana mengambil gambar-gambar pembangunan ini:  

Gambar ini pada tahun 2014, kelihatan proses meratakan kawasan perumahan Bukit Residen.  

Rumah yang kami diami pada tahun 1960-an di alamat No. 91, Residency Hill; sudah tiada.

Gambar ini pada tahun 2014. Ini adalah jalan keluar dari kawasan perumahan Bukit Residen menuju ke Pejabat Majlis Bandaran (kini Food Court De Residen) dan ke Bandar Lipis.

Gambar ini pada tahun 2018. Di sebelah kiri gambar, di mana terdapat pagar Tenaga Nasional Berhad, dahulunya di sini adalah tempat kami mencari pucuk paku dan daun-daun ulam. Pada tahun 1960-an, kawasan ini berbentuk “valley like” dan dipenuhi dengan pokok kecil, tumbuhan paku pakis, pokok ulam, daun resam dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

Gambar ini pada tahun 2018. Jika kita melihat kepada kereta hitam yang keluar dari jalan tersebut, dahulunya jalan ini adalah jalan masuk dan keluar ke kawasan perumahan di Bukit Residen dan juga ke Rest House Bukit Residen. Setelah kawasan perumahan Bukit Residen dan kawasan sekitarnya diratakan, kawasan ini sekarang menjadi sebuah Pusat Perniagaan dikenali sebagai Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen. Rest House Bukit Residen masih ada.

Melihat kepada pembangunan ini, saya teringat pada tahun 2001 kami pernah menyambut Hari Raya di Kuala Lipis. Pada masa itu terdapat sebuah Taman Rekreasi yang mempunyai buaian, jongkang jongkit dan sebagainya. Di lokasi ini dahulunya terdapat rumah-rumah pegawai kerajaan dan diantaranya ada pegawai yang berkerja di Majlis Bandaran Kuala Lipis, sepelaung sahaja jaraknya dari rumah 😀

Gambar ini diambil pada tahun 2001 di Taman Rekreasi Lipis.

Taman Rekreasi sudah tiada disini lagi. Tidak pasti dipindahkan kemana.

Gambar ini pada tahun 2014. Taman Rekreasi berwajah baru. Tempat bermain buai dan jongkang jongkit sudah tiada, mungkin tidak sesuai untuk kanak-kanak berlari di sini di atas faktor keselamatan kerana ianya terletak bersebelahan dengan jalan besar menuju ke Bandar Lipis. Di dalam gambar ini, katanya ada Perpustakaan Awam, jadi, kalau rajin meng-Goggle, di sebelah kanan gambar ini terdapat Perpustakaan Awam dan Hotel Lipis Plaza.

Gambar ini pula pada tahun 2018. Pusat Perniagaan Bukit Residen sudah siap dibina. Kawasan perumahan kakitangan di Bukit Residen sudah tidak kelihatan lagi.

Bye bye Rumah No.91, tempat kami membesar semasa kami di sekolah rendah. 👋

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Life After Covid-19

 ~ Mom's Journal ~

On 18th March 2020, the Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO) was enforced in Malaysia. Things started to get better as we followed the National Recovery Plan for the country. For the Selangor state, the recovery plan started on 18th October 2021. Slowly we get back to the life we used to know.

It was a joy for the children to be going back to school and having fun with their friends, like before.

Some are excited to be playing on the school field again.

My granddaughter, Sofea, and her friends stumbled upon a small frog on the field. For the small frog, the peaceful days are over. I smiled reading this status update from my daughter's Facebook post as she waited patiently to pick up her daughter, Sofea.

The coming days certainly feel brighter.

Sunday, 29 May 2022

Letters from a Brother

~ Mom's Journal ~

These are a few letters that I received from my youngest brother, Azam. We called him "Adik" when we were younger. All my siblings and I are now in our 60s and 70s. These letters are memories of the time we spent writing letters just to say "Hello" to each other. His letters gave an insight into his life as a student in the UK. My other brother, AJ (Awang) went earlier.  As for me, I was then already married, stayed in Kajang and have a son, Khairul. 

The first letter came soon after he arrived in the UK.

3, Lorne Road
Merseyside L431XD
08101978 - Sun

Dearest Sis,

How are you? I'm sure you and Abang Khalit are both fine as usual. I'm alright, after one month over, I've settled down (normal, I mean, not that I'm married!). My first three weeks here was hell of a time. Almost qualified to be called a musafir. I stayed in London for four nights followed by two nights in Liverpool. The authority concerned did not prepare proper accommodation or houses for us. So, all the 15 of us have to stay at the Birkenhead YMCA sort of hostel and I was there for two weeks before I moved to the above address. I bet I had lost quite a few pounds in weight during that time. The main reason was because the YMCA offers English food such as kentang rebus, kobis rebus carrot rebus, bread, cheese and .... y*ch! Kalau once in a while tak apa but I couldn't live long having to eat all those tasteless stuff.

I am now staying at the ground floor of a rented house together with three other friends. Each of us are paying 25 pounds (MYR115) every four weeks, cheaper than yours I guess. We are cooking our own food, of course. Style kat sini lain sikit. Kelapa solid macam sabun. Fortunately, we are very close to Liverpool because there are a number of 'Pakistan-looking' people with kedai runcit just like T.A Kunchi Koya. There is even a Melayu who had been here since World War Two and sells daging. It is difficult to get good fish here and the sayor are only kobis and sawi.

Anyway, I always have a heavy dinner every night. I am not a bad cook after all. During week-days, I take my lunch outside because my college is quite far away, about 20 minutes bus ride. The lunch is usually bread, beans and eggs - Mat Saleh style! I hope I can still grow, either way. Maybe cannot, because you know, Awang is just as big now as when he first left. All that grows is his hair! I just can't wait for the day when I'm bigger than him - boleh bully dia pulak.. ha! ha!

I have been to Awang's place twice. Chester is about 14 miles away from Birkenhead. The second time I went to his house, he followed me back to see my condition. At that time, I was still in the YMCA. That was about three weeks ago and just a few days before he was to leave for Oxford. He told me then that he is almost sure of enrolling at Oxford Polytechnic. I am at the moment, still waiting for his letter. I don't know where he is now. Probably, he is still busy. Too bad he has already left and Oxford is about  200 miles away if I'm not mistaken, maybe more. He came to London last time when I first arrived in England. By the way, Raya Puasa here last time was on Sunday. I was in Malaysia where puasa started a day late but I was in England to celebrate Raya which was much earlier.

Oh yes! How was yours and Abang Khalit's emporium contest? Did you get anything? Surely, one of your many entries will earn at least a consolation prize or perhaps Abang Khalit is driving the Mercedes now...!!

Well I guess I'll end here. It is now 1:10 on Sunday morning. Gotta go to bed. Goodnight to you and Abang Khalit.

P/S How is the baby? I almost forgot about Khairul. I know he wouldn't recognise me.



At Birkenhead

So, for a while, my brothers were staying 14 miles apart, that would be about the distance from Kuala Lipis to Benta, Pahang.

The emporium we went to in Kajang, must have been the Billion shopping complex/emporium. It was quite happening back then.


Dearest Cik,

I hope yourself, Abang Khalit and the baby are all in good health. It's nice to be in Malaysia with the weather constant throughout the year. Over here now, frr..eezing! Since many weeks ago, the temperature had never risen much above 0'C. It sometimes snow, as you can see in the photograph. It very seldom snows in the North West part of England where I am. This winter season was said to be the worst in 15 years. Unlucky for us, wrong timing. To go to our college which is close to 3 miles away, we had to take a bus. Indeed it is a torture to stand at the bus stop. Sampai kelas, habis telinga and hidong merah! By 4:30 in the evening, dah gelap. Not much time to wander around except weekends. I usually go to Liverpool during weekends, now not as often. It is much better to 'hibernate' this cold season. Not surprisingly, I've added a few pounds to my weight. At 115lbs approximately, I'm one of the lightest among my friends. Like this, must keep eating a lot more potatoes. In fact, I eat English dish three times a week between my lessons. The usual food are baked beans, chips, eggs and toast... without exercise, they will surely make a person fat.

That is the present situation. Ever since I came, there were only two occasions where I managed to sweat a little bit. We had planned to have regular 'mini-soccer' games in the gym. Other than that, a visit to the sports centre is the only resolution. I've been there once to play squash (Abang Khalit knows because MCKK is the only school in Malaysia to have squash courts). I don't want only my stomach to grow and nowhere else. Guess what? I've ordered the "Bullworker"!! Kalau badan tak solid juga, I give up.

Have I written to you anytime in December? I remember writing to you quite some time after I received your reply but I couldn't be sure. If I haven't written any at all to you ever since the first one, sorrylah. That one must have been for Yan. I'm sure Yan has gone back to Jakarta when this letter arrive. Holiday wrong timing, when everyone is still at school. What about the cassettes she brought back? I told her that it is better for her to send me the original ones. Awang can bring them back home in the middle of this year, hopefully. My friends and I are also running a cassette-recording sessions here. One of us brought a hi-fi set, without a turntable though, because he couldn't afford to have all. Somebody else bought a music centre which consists of turntable, cassette and radio. Only one person needs to buy a good cassette or record because after sometime, there will be quite a few versions of the pirated ones. I already got six myself and most of them are Malay songs, the original cassette we borrowed from seniors at the Liverpool and Poly. I never thought that I like to hear Malay songs. Kalau Melayu tu, Melayu jugalah! I wonder what are Malaysians top English songs now. I know Malaysia's pop chart are way back and weeks behind.

I can imagine The New Straits Times has a lot of news about Britain and its strike. These English people... Bila nak duit lebih, strike. At present, it started off with the lorry drivers' strike. As a result, oil cannot be delivered to schools to heat up buildings and thus we got 4 days holiday (not bad!). Last week, the British railway men and now, the ambulance service also Public Service Employees... which includes teachers. Result? Again a holiday on Monday 22nd. A little bit north of my place, the waterworks people pulak and water had to be rationed up there. At this time sugar is no longer sold anywhere, sayor four times as expensive as last time when I first came etc.. etc. Doesn't that sounds silly? All we can enjoy is the holiday we got.

I heard from a friend that ikan di Terengganu tak laku because they found a human finger in it. Is it true? There was once on TV here, top official said that the South East Asia countries are still capable of taking in more Vietnamese refugees and they are not doing their best to do so. Well, we feel like smashing our TV set when we heard that!

Oops! Not much space left. Please send Khairul's photograph or any other photos of you all in Malaysia. They'll be nice to look at until I go back in 1981!

Ta! Ta! Loves to everybody




My brother seemed to have adjusted to the English weather quite well, hibernating and such. Malaysia's pop chart in the 1970s was our, Baby Boomers', favourite programme, cassettes and record albums were our favourite purchases. My sister, Yan, must have brought back some cassettes from Indonesia as she was studying over there. Of course, we were also worried about the Vietnam War as it could have escalated. Thankfully it ended in 1975. The Vietnamese fled their country by boats in search of a better future. Some of them reached the coast of Terengganu as refugees. They were then waiting to be resettled abroad in third countries such as the United States and in the European countries. Naturally, they were making headlines around the world.


Dearest Cik,

Thanks for your letter, especially those photographs. It is really nice to receive photos from home. Wah! Khairul grows so fast ah... Do send me more photographs of him later on although I will not be able to recognize him yet since all babies look very much alike to me. Well, he certainly has a long way to go, I'm now about 115 lbs and 5'5" in height.

I haven't added much since I left. The winter was indeed very cold, no chance to grow! I'm glad it was all over though the temperatures now are no higher than 55degreeF, the bright sun is a little bit like in Malaysia. Do not laugh, because you asked this- Well, during the freezing winter, I took bath once in three or four weeks (shh!). Terrible it was because Awang's much better! Nowadays, fair enough- once in about 5 days. It is still difficult to sweat so there is no need to worry about kambing-ish smell.

About the photographs you sent me, I noticed that you are staying at the house on the right, the one with the green dinding. How come? Pindah next door, I guess. I wonder what the lorries had to carry... How are the rest of the family? Manja, Wok, Simah, any of them being promoted?

I know this letter is rather a late reply. Well, when I received your letter, everything was normal. So I waited for the two weeks holiday (8th-21st April). Awang got one month holiday and he stayed at my house for a total of seven days. After the second day, he stayed at Chester for two nights. Then he came back to my place with plans to study, but did nothing much at all (don't tell the 'Bosses'). Awang is very fine indeed, nothing wrong with him. Just too busy with his studies and lazy to write letters. You know, since perhaps after he had left my house, he did not even write to Mother or Father since he finished his A Level, almost a year! It is really a hard work. It really scare me when I look at him doing his homework. Sometimes, it lasts until 3a.m. and still had to wake up for the morning's lecture at nine. Phew! I wonder how I can handle it. I'm always the last, unfair betul. But at least I'm about to achieve what I had waited for all these years. Guess what? I'm just about as big as Awang! Have you heard of the 'Bullworker'? I'm using that exercising instrument regularly now to become 'more solid', well that's what I hope. I must be prepared for a challenge from Khairul next.

Awang will be having his first year exam this coming June/July. So am I, for my "1st year" exams. The JPA officer has visited us not so long ago and he was quite upset upon receiving our earlier exam result. I'm quite at the top, happily, but it was overall, disappointing. Just have to work hard, I certainly wouldn't like to stay here just for two years instead of five! Needless to say, for years now all of us can wish each other countless Good lucks in exams...

Awang will be going back home somewhere in July. Not me, I'm staying here. One at home is enough or else "135A" will slide down Kawasan Kerani. Do you or Abang Khalit have anything in particular that you both need? We will try to get them. How about record albums? Of course, there is no D'Lloyd (oops! sorry...) but albums here are very much more latest. About my toy cars, I've forgotten where I've parked them. They are of course at Kuala Lipis. Just ask Akak, she is sure to know. You (well not you, the baby of course) can have any of my toys. Those were the days for me... There are not much left, better hurry!

Well I'll stop here. Bye-bye to you and Abang Khalit.

P/S.... and the baby.


The letter reached me safely. We decided to shift to the house next door as it had vacant land next to it.

1980's : Home at 135A, Kawasan Kerani, Kuala Lipis

Wed 8/8/1979

Dear Cik,

I got your letter about one month ago. I'll always agree with anyone who says that the older you get, the lazier you'll be to write letters. But I had been lazy right from the start, many many years ago!

Nice to hear that you both got through to the 2nd year. So did Awang. That leaves me, as usual. I wonder when I can be considered 'old' with respect to the others. One question: does Awang look old enough to be 22 very soon?

You did ask me when will Awang be going back. Tut! Tut! I think you better ask Awang himself. He spent quite a few days at my house earlier in July, the main purpose was to hunt for gifts. We spent hours and hours in town and still couldn't get everything. There are a lot of good records to chose. I hope you like the three albums that Awang brought back especially the 'band Melayu'. I'll try to bring more latest ones when its my turn to go back.

The people here started puasa on Wed. 25th. The fasting hours are approximately from 3:30 am to 9pm. Until today, I had puasa-ed six days. Got to have a few 'rest days' in between to make up for the loss or else I'll be a skeleton at the end of the month! My berbuka and sahur are very simple. Sometimes roti or nasi goreng or bee-hoon or even fish and chips! The main lauks being eggs and sadin. Yulk tak yulk kena telan juga. I have my sahur at around 12:30, just before I sleep because if I were to sleep first, sorrylah nak bangun tengah malam. My first attempt at cooking ayam panggang was not bad at all. It was quite nice though I'm not surprised if Akak refuses to certify it as 'ayam panggang' at all. I do not wish to try the murtabak. Tengok recipe pun dah panik!

I'm not doing anything much at the moment. Just reading, some extra hours of sleep, walk here and there, dengar record etc. etc. I'm not doing much travelling during this holiday. I'm trying to save money for a better holiday next year. Last Saturday, I had my first driving lesson. I only start now because my driving test will be in November. Over here, apply for the test first. Then only you start lessons 2 or 3 months prior to the test date. I'm taking ten lessons and had to pay an equivalent of about M$250/=. Phew! Since I told him that I already knew how to drive, the first lesson was simply 'makan angin' with the instructor watching my techniques. When it was over, he made a hell lot of comments about my driving. So many faults. Anyway it is very nice to get hold of a car again after one year. 

I think I'll stop here. Got to sleep next. Do you have Manja's address or has she got mine?

Bye bye to you bertiga.

P/S Happy birthday to Khairul!


Khairul said "Thank you Ayah chu".

I received this souvenir from Awang:

A coat of arms souvenir

A 'Band Melayu' album

As for my brother's cooking, now I know why his "ayam panggang" tastes so delicious, he has been cooking this dish since 1979!

I am glad these letters survived because I truly enjoy reading them even after so many, many years. 

Azam with his first grandchild

Actually, my dear brother, we still call you "Adik" in our conversations. There you go... Just kidding!