Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Malay Wedding

On my fourth semester, I received yet another interesting final project and this time it was the course named Office Software Applications (OMT255). We have been assigned to do our own website using only our skills in HTML coding. And the topic was on Malaysian Weddings

When it comes to weddings, of course, designs and concept hold the highest priority. And that alone made creativity, a plus score. Which meant the website should not only include all the beautiful pictures and colors changes, but also inserting graphics.  

For this blog entry, I am focusing on the Malay Wedding Ceremony.

There are a few steps in the Traditional Malay Wedding:

1. Adat Merisik ("Spying" Custom)

This Adat is a getting-to-know family visit. Representatives from the man’s family will visit the girl’s family to enable both families to get accustomed to each other. If both parties agree, then the discussion will proceed into the engagement ceremony or the 'meminang' ceremony.

2. Adat Meminang (Engagement Ceremony)

When both families have agreed for the marriage between the prospective bride and the prospective bridegroom, preparation for 'meminang' or engagement takes place. On the day of the engagement, the young man's party will bring the items agreed upon on the gift trays. The girl's family will reciprocate with extra gift trays. The couple will not be represented by their parents but by selected persons, often senior relatives. These persons will be the spokesmen for the respective families.

The mother/grandmother of the groom-to-be will then slipped the engagement ring on the bride-to-be finger as a sign that she is now betrothed.

3. Akad Nikah (Solemnization)

Solemnization comes, once the period of engagement is completed. The ceremony involves the bride and groom, the kadi (state-appointed Muslim judge who officiates the ceremony), the wali (the one who gives the girl away in marriage, usually her father), two witnesses, and the (lafaz nikah) marriage vow, which the groom must recite in one breath. Gift trays which include the mas kahwin (dowry) for the bride are exchanged once again, and this time both of them will have rings that symbolize their matrimony. The akad nikah may be held in a mosque. 

However it is also common to see akad nikah being held at the bride's house.

4. Bersanding (Sitting-in-state Ceremony)

The bersanding day will begin with the sound of kompang drums thumping and the groom arrived with his entourage carrying bunga manggar (decorative flower parade). They will be greeted by a shower of flower petals and a Silat (Malay martial arts) performance. The groom, together with his bride will then sit on the pelamin or dais. Bersanding ceremony may be held at a house, a hotel or a resort.

 Selamat Pengantin Baru! 

Sunday, 19 April 2015

A Street Cat

Help! Help! Who am I?

~( ´•︵•` )~

Graay.. such a Drama Queen

┐(  ̄ ∀  ̄ )┌

Cats Day

Cats caught a bird on one fine Sunday morning. The bird managed to escape and flew away after regaining its strength.