A common experience is riding a bicycle.
As the children grew up they share growing up experience.
The WhatsApp group certainly add colors and flavors to bonding time.
Always start with a tricycle
Graduated to a bicycle
Fast forward: One of my children was watching a video about gym advertisements and was curious to know about the exercise bike seat height. It led to a series of conversation as the siblings shared each others' riding experience.
An insight into the WhatsApp conversation:
Jokingly, it ended like riding a bicycle is a dangerous activity. In reality like any other sport, cycling is safe as long as the cyclist adheres to the safety rules.
Experience and riding together with the whole family certainly bring safety issues into concern. Ride safely, have fun and stay healthy. Action speaks louder than words. #bikesafety #ridesafe
Bicycle riders in a KL Car-Free Morning weekend
Putrajaya MTB Nature Ride
© Cycling Malaysia Magazine
Growing up with many siblings, being the big brother has its perks.
Many can relate to this: Classic big bro moves
Yes, the younger brothers in the 1980s and 90s wore the stripes T-shirt and were just happy to be included in big bro gamer friends while being totally oblivious to big bro moves. Such bliss! However, this classic move does not last.
Apparently, the millennial kids are quick to notice if the device is not properly connected. Hence, will not easily fall for this classic big bro tactic. Moreover, the wireless controller is now available.
Mastering moves
Another classic is the plant phototropism experiment. I think many of us had conducted this experiment.
We find that plants appear to grow towards the sun or light source. What makes plant grows towards the light? We learn that the plant's hormone auxin is responsible for its ability to grow towards the light. Actually, there are other types of tropism other than phototropism just like there are many other reflections from #writingfromexperience.
We shall end at this juncture, in the meantime:
Clear sky and sunshine!