Wednesday 26 November 2014


~ Mom's Journal ~

It was a dinner conversation between a father and daughter at a mamak restaurant. The daughter, Ekeen, talked about her work. She had just graduated then, joined the work force and soon got immersed with work. Her father asked how she occupied her free time.

Father: So, what games do you play?

She replied with much enthusiasm.

Ekeen:  Oh! I played Final Fantasy… and… and…

She was all animated as she described the games she played. A fantasy to behold! She went into a lengthy and detail descriptions about the characters in the games. The heroes, the enemies, the weapons, the power, the battle, the hope and despair and finally winning the game. Only a player would know the satisfaction of winning!

The response from her father was totally unexpected. He laughed so loud that all eyes were turned on them.

Father: I was asking about outdoor games like badminton :)

She was dumbfounded. What was that again?? Not RPG?

Abah's Trophies

It was not a miscommunication, it was a misinterpretation. Her father was active in sports and field games hence his point of reference would differ from his daughter. He loves rugby, a game he played since his MCKK days. He also played other games such as badminton, table tennis and of course, football.

The boys do not play rugby but they like football. Khairul Amin’s interest in football since his primary school days continues to his adult life. As many other young working adults he now plays futsal. Recently he took to cycling together with his wife and toddler son.

      Football Awards                    Street soccer Awards

The girls had their shares in the track events. However there are times when reward did not commensurate with efforts.

                           Third place award                             Feeling sad

Nora was really disappointed, she wrote “usaha yang sia-sia” or “wasted efforts”. She was so close to being 'Olahragawati' or sportswoman for that year, but lost because of the bronze award. She had won three gold medals prior to that. I think, the important thing for her to remember is, she set her target to win, made the effort and participated in the spirit of a good sportsmanship. Regardless, well done, Nora! She was in form 5 then. She has since settled down and has a beautiful family.

Other than sports activities, there is also co-curriculum. In school there are children who are not keen in sports activities. Co-curriculum provides opportunities for children like Syazleen to build other skills to balance their academic achievements.

Co-curriculum Awards

As for me, I try to keep the prizes and awards in good condition but sometimes the name of the school or the inscription went missing:


Fortunately the others are still presentable,

Prizes and awards won over the years

Every family would normally go through the same cycle. Prizes and awards, or the absence of them, do not change the love of parents for their children. Every child is an "amanah" for the parents. They are always concern about the well-beings of their children. They try to be there for them, from birth to kindergarten to working life and at all other times whenever possible. Along the way, dear children, we try to understand and appreciate RPG too…

Kindergarten 1993                       Working life 2014

As the year comes to a close, at a nearby school, the sessions end on a happy note. A father shared a happy moment with his daughter.

En. Yoi and daughter, Khalisah

Congratulations to all, nice smiles :)

And this is yet another beginning.

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